Pump smart controller main benefits
• All in one kit
• User friendly pressure setting on pump smart contraoller
• Minimum on and off time to prevent hunting of pump
• Microcontroller stops the pump in case of dry run sensing low pressure
• Pump can be set to operate at specific hours , can be kept off at night or speicifc hours automatically
• Pressure can be set on screen
• Dry run protection
• The pump will stop if the source fails to provide enough water.
• Less possibility of wrong installation

Pump Smart Control VS Normal Control

Normal Pumpsmart Control
Poor reliability as pressure switch gets damaged in open atmosphere over a period of time. Pressure transmitter is more robust and accurate.
In case pressure tank gets damaged the pump switched on and off and can damage. Pump smart control prevents hunting by smartly keeping pump on time minimum ten seconds and off minimum ten second.
Pump has to be manually switched off at odd hours as small noise may disturb people. Pump smart control can be programmed to switch on and off at specific times.
No dry run protection pump will get damaged in case strainer is blocked or float fails , dry run is the most common reason for pump failure. Pump will trip within 60 seconds of dry run and will indicate the same on screen , this reduces future downtime.